by loohan | 16 April 2020 | Business, Personal Growth
Late of last year, I decided to purchase the most expensive belt I have ever bought. I’ve been looking at this belt for a very long time, but always hesitated because of the price tag – USD40 or RM175. To put things in perspective, you could easily get a...
by loohan | 15 April 2020 | Business, Personal Growth
A team of researchers from Google’s HR conducted a 2-year study to answer the question: What makes a Google team effective? After 200+ interviews, and looking at 250+ attributes of 180+ active Google teams, they have identified 5 key ingredients. Before we dive...
by loohan | 14 April 2020 | Business, Personal Growth
There was study done on how fences around a playground affects children’s behaviours. The 1st group of children were taken to to a playground with no fence while the 2nd group of children were taken to a comparable playground with fenced border. The kids were to...